NCSPRA Leadership Academy 2019

  • Leadership Academy Graphic

    Thank you, NCCAT, for giving us an action-packed NCSPRA Leadership Academy.  We are looking forward to next year!

    May 9-10, 2019

    Presented by the North Carolina School Public Relations Association and the North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching

    THEME: “Action-packed PR: Reveal the superhero in you”

    Audience:  School public relations/communications professionals in North Carolina

    Date:  May 9-10, 2019

    Location:  NCCAT campus in Cullowhee (adjacent to Western Carolina University).  The address is 276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC  28723 and the telephone number is (828) 293-5202.

    Number of Participants:  Limited to 48 (dormitory-style housing and dining accommodations available on the NCCAT campus)

    Cost:  None (reservations are required through NCCAT by Monday, May 6 at 5:00 p.m.)  Click here to register.

    Purpose:  For the second consecutive year, NCSPRA and NCCAT are working together to provide professional development for people in the field of school public relations and communications.  In retreat style, the program will offer informational sessions and interactive activities for school PR professionals.  To say that the agenda is action-packed – well, that is an understatement.  In less than 24 hours, participants will engage in 10 big sessions as well as enjoy plenty of time for fellowship, collaboration, and networking.

    Goals:  The goals of the Leadership Academy are to build a stronger relationship between NCSPRA and school PR professionals in the state; introduce school PR professionals to NCCAT and bring attention to the programs and services offered by NCCAT; and foster collaboration and networking among school PR professionals in North Carolina.

    Timeline at a glance:  Thursday, May 9 from 1:00 until 8:00 p.m. and Friday, May 10 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.  On Thursday, arrival and check-in begins at 11:30 a.m.  Lunch will be served.  The program begins at 1:00 p.m. with an introduction and overview followed by five sessions.  The day concludes with dinner and a time for fellowship.  On Friday, breakfast will be served prior to the start of the program at 9:00 a.m.  The event concludes at 12:00 noon.

    Overview of Sessions

    Here is a quick look at the 10 sessions/presenters for this year’s NCSPRA Leadership Academy.

    1. TOPIC: Effective communication in a click, post, emoji, hashtag world
    Dr. Sonya DiPalma, associate professor, UNC-Asheville
    Sarah Ferguson, director of marketing,
    Megan Moffitt, regional marketing consultant, Mission Health
    Jason Perry, associate producer, Strivven Media

    2. TOPIC: The power of effective marketing
    Michelle Fiscus, Director of Communications, Franklin County Schools

    3. TOPIC: Crisis communication – why collaboration is key
    Kelley Klope, Public Information Officer, Asheville Fire Department

    4. TOPIC: PR tips from a PR pro
    Dr. Patricia Hollingsworth, Chief Communications Officer, Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools

    5. TOPIC: Web design and social media
    Sarah Benoit, Co-founder and Lead Instructor, JB Media Institute

    6. TOPIC: Games, fun, and fellowship among PR friends
    Todd Hagans, Chief Communications Officer, Gaston County Schools

    7. TOPIC: Bring something to the table – Sharing PR ideas from your district
    Todd Hagans, Chief Communications Officer, Gaston County Schools

    8. TOPIC: Working together: Communications and Human Resources
    Valerie Newton, Public Information Officer
    Dr. Antonia Beatty, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Administration
    Bladen County Schools

    9. TOPIC: Social media: Negative comments, trolls, and the First Amendment
    Seth Stephens, Chief Communications Officer, Orange County Schools

    10. TOPIC: Current topics and trends in public education
    Mebane Rash, CEO and editor-in-chief, EducationNC and N.C. Center for Public Policy Research