• NCSPRA Leadership Academy

    Thank you, NCCAT, for helping to make our first Leadership Academy a success!

    a development program for professionals in school public relations

    “Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.  Your journey in school PR.”

    Audience: School public relations/communications professionals in North Carolina, especially people with one to three years of experience in the profession.

    Sponsors: North Carolina School Public Relations Association (NCSPRA) and North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT)

    Date: April 26-27, 2018

    Location:  NCCAT campus in Cullowhee (adjacent to Western Carolina University). The address is 276 NCCAT Drive, Cullowhee, NC  28723 and the telephone number is (828) 293-5202.

    Number of Participants: Limited to 40 (housing and dining accommodations available on the NCCAT campus)

    Cost: None (reservations are required through NCCAT)

    Purpose:  NCSPRA and NCCAT are working together to provide professional development for people in the field of school public relations/communications.  In retreat style, the program will offer informational sessions and interactive activities for school PR professionals who are new or relatively new to the job (1-3 years).

    In addition to five sessions, the agenda includes time for reflection (yesterday), an opportunity for participants to discuss their successes and challenges for the current school year (today), and seek information about what they can do to make their job easier in the year ahead (tomorrow). 

    Outcomes:  Our primary goals are:
    1) To kindle stronger support between NCSPRA and our new/relatively new school PR professionals.
    2) Introduce school PR professionals to NCCAT and bring attention to the programs and services offered by NCCAT.
    3) Foster collaboration and networking among school PR professionals in North Carolina.

    Click here for the agenda.

    Space is limited so register today!  To register, please contact Todd Vinyard at NCCAT: (828) 293-5202 or e-mail: todd.vinyard@nccat.org.